torsdag 28 januari 2010

tisdag 26 januari 2010

a helmet!

today i was at the best local second hand shop. and guess what i found! a helmet! a perfectly fine mc-helmet. so now i can do anything without tearing my nose in half or getting concussions! :D

some pics of me in it:

Because We Can. Ep 8 - Dive

Episode 8 - Dive

arn and jens continue their epic journey towards nowhere. in this episode you will see an awesome update of thejoltjoker's nose; wich was split in the last episode.
you will also meet mr chicken. who's unfortunate enough to be blind, and grilled. luckily enough, lifesaver arn is there to save him from a cold, wet destiny...

Click here to see the sledging fail:

torsdag 21 januari 2010

portfolio update

just a little update on my portfolio project ^^

now i've added some stuff to the portfolio! please comment and give me feedback!
link to the portfolio:

portfolio page

Hi everybody!
since i've made such a bad website that takes years to update, i don't update it a lot... wich means that i have tons of work just lying around on my computer for none to see. so i decided to create a wordpress page that i easily can update with work i do. so check it out! i'll try to upload all my stuff in the next few days, but i'm a busy man so we'll see about that... but i'll try to upload my new material at least!

onsdag 20 januari 2010


finally i have decided to learn 3d-animation! for real!
i'm going to learn cinema 4d. if you got any tips feel free to contact me!
tutorials next...

votd(video of the day): REVOLUCIAN'S PANTS ON THE GROUND *REMIX*

haha, revolucian does it again ^^

and views...

also got a few views too ^^ (and this wasn't on the account with the video they linked :P)
i will post an image of the analytics of the video they linked later tonight ;)


haha, look how many visits i got yesterday ^^

i think it was because of actually :P
so thanks to them!

tisdag 19 januari 2010

so.. now i've been up on too. (one of the biggest link collections in sweden).
personally i don't like existenz.. don't ask me why, i have never liked it.
but i can't do anything else but thank them for the +20k views on my video :P

check out the video here:

Because We Can. Ep 7 - Jump

Episode 7 - Jump

How thejoltjoker got his concussion and split his nose.

EXTRA VIDEO! with more footage from the nose fail and the operation of it:


måndag 18 januari 2010

bwc ep 7 limited access url

limited access url for bwc episode 7 (in wich i both get a concussion and split my nose...)

söndag 17 januari 2010

Vid of the day: Upgrading graphics - So easy, a monkey can do it! ATI Radeon/AMD

i think i should start posting funny videos that i come across on the internet..


i'm longing for monday. because on monday they will remove my stitches :D now my nose is itchy and stuff but i guess that's because it's healing.. i have filmed my nose every night (except for the first two or three) so i can upload a video of the healing process :D so stay tuned :P

lördag 16 januari 2010

Knorkator - "Buchstabe"

my friend flyingpickles sent me this video the other day xD

torsdag 14 januari 2010

my nose fail

the video with my fail

onsdag 13 januari 2010

plastic sled fail

i was out in the snow with a plastic sled. but in the slope where i went there was a bush in the way.. so BAM, straight through it and out on the other side with a bloody face. 8 stitches in the nose...
you can see it all here -->

tisdag 12 januari 2010

Because We Can. Ep 6 - Snow

playing around in the snow

fredag 1 januari 2010

Night of the cow-eating hippos!

I made this just because i have a concussion and have to rest...

man, i hate to rest!


just wanted to give you a hint of why i have a concussion.
We built a little bump out of snow on a hill. when i took my plastic sledge and went on it, i landed on my head...