måndag 28 september 2009

No uni

Today I ordered my new unicycle! :D
but unfortunately, the guy who will put the spokes and hub on the rim, is somewhere else. and won't come back until this weekend! so i won't get it until next week!!!
i can't describe how i feel deep inside me!
it's like
a superhero with no powers,
a puzzle with a missing piece,
a movie without anything happening,
a computer with no screen,
a spy without an objective,
a song without melody or rythm,
a door without a knob,
food without taste,
a desert without sand,
a question-mark without the dot,
dreamhack without computers,
the internet with no websites,
an octopus without tentacles,
an evil doctor without a mad face,
an airplane with no wings or engines,
an e-mail adress without the "@" symbol,
the binary numeral system with no "1",
a hospital with no doctors,
a torrent without any seeders,
an encyclopedia with no text,
minesweeper with no mines,
thermite without the extreme heat,
a shotgun with no shells,
an alien without a spaceship,
a vampire that can't suck human blood,
dvd's with no copyright protection,
the second world war with no hitler,
a skydiver with no parachute,
the 70's without stupid looking glasses and clothes,
a joke with no punchline,
the new testament without jesus,
the old testament without adam and eve,
the bible without god,
a monster truck with no wheels,
youtube with no videos,
google with no search results,
an internet community without any users,
wikipedia without any articles,
an eye without a pupil,
a cinema without a projector,
jolt cola without the caffeine,
spotify with no songs,
a village with no houses,
harry potter without his scar,
a game console with no games,
and so on...
just one more,

me without a unicycle!

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